Use of the Board Logo

The Board moved to a continuous certification process in 2019 and a new logo is available for use by all ABPS Diplomates in order to represent certification by The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. The logo is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Diplomates may access the logo files via the Physician Profile once logged into the website.

The registered trademark logo of the American Board of Plastic Surgery depicts Gaspar Tagliacozzi (1545-1599) of Bologna, Italy considered to be the father of modern plastic surgery. His contributions are summarized in the treatise he authored in 1597, “De Curtorum Chigurgia per Insitionem.” The founding year of the Board, 1937, is included on the logo of the Board.
The use of the Board’s Logo is exclusive for business of the Board only and is not permitted for any other purpose. Diplomates should remove this logo from all practice websites and materials. Please notify your web vendor. The Board appreciates the cooperation of all diplomates.