History of ABPS

The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. was organized in June 1937 by representatives of various groups interested in this type of surgery and received recognition as a subsidiary of the American Board of Surgery in May 1938.

The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. was given the status of a major specialty board in May 1941 by action of the Advisory Board for Medical Specialties as approved by the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association, which has designated certain specialty fields as being suitable to be represented by specialty boards.


75th Anniversary Video 

- Presentation by R. Barrett Noone, M.D., Executive Director Emeritus

75 Years of Growth in the Public Trust, A History of the American Board of Plastic Surgery

- R. Barrett Noone, M.D., Executive Director Emeritus

- Published as a supplement in July 2013 by the Journal Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery


ABPS - The Founders


 The Founders of the

First Row L–R: Drs. George M. Dorrance and Vilray P. Blair.

Second Row L–R: Drs. William S. Kiskadden, George W. Pierce, Ferris Smith, William E. Ladd, Fulton Risdon, Robert H. Ivy, John S. Davis, Harold L. Kirkham and Jerome P. Webster.