Oral Exam Process & Requirements

Candidate's must successfully pass the Written Examination and submit a 9-month case list for admissibility to the Oral Examination. 

  • Case collection period July 1st to March 31st
  • Minimum of 50 major operative cases required to finalize case list in April. Minor cases should be entered but will not count towards meeting the 50 case minimum.
  • Case collection must be of sufficient quality, complexity and variety to allow for an adequate case report examination.
  • Operative consent is required
  • Refer to Booklet of Information for case list and data entry requirements


Photographic Requirements/Documentation:

  • Candidates are required to submit patient photographs for the selected cases for the Case Report Session.
  • Patient photographic consent is required. Patient consent forms should include the following:


  • Candidates are required to establish an appropriate physician-patient relationship prior to any treatment. In non-emergent cases, the physician-patient relationship should be established at least the day before surgery, so the patient has sufficient time to contemplate the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the proposed treatment after discussion with and examination by the surgeon performing the procedure. For example, meeting a patient for the first time in the preoperative area on the day of surgery, after commitments have been made (payment has already been made, postoperative care arranged, time off work arranged), would not be considered acceptable. These commitments, as well as the excitement or anxiety related to the upcoming procedure, may constrain the ability of the patient to freely contemplate proceeding with the procedure and creates a negative incentive to cancel or delay the procedure. Likewise, an appropriate physician-patient relationship requires appropriate postoperative care, which should include the surgeon performing the procedure and not be fully delegated. Urgent/emergent reconstructive consults the day of a procedure are exempt from this requirement. Minor (requiring local anesthetic only) reconstructive procedures, such as Mohs repairs are also exempt from the above requirement. It is recommended that candidates assess their postoperative patients in-person within the first 30 days after the day of surgery. In addition, candidates must obtain postoperative photographs of all patients 90 days or more after the day of the procedure. It is strongly recommended that the operating surgeon take the 90-day postoperative photos. Telemedicine visits may not be substituted for the in-person visit but may be used for subsequent visits.
  • All cases must include preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative photos at least 90 days out from the index procedure and preferably from the last procedure. Postoperative hand pictures should focus on demonstrating return of function in addition to wound healing. The Board strongly recommends that you continue to see patients in the clinic until these postoperative pictures are obtained.
  • In addition to preoperative and postoperative photos, candidates are requested to take intraoperative photos for all operative cases performed during the nine‐month case collection period. At least one intraoperative photo is required for each Board‐selected case. This involves cases that do not involve an incision. The Board requires an intraoperative photograph that displays the pertinent details of the key procedure performed during that case. Candidates who work in institutions that do not allow intraoperative photos will need to request a waiver of that facility's photographic requirements during the ABPS case collection period. Candidates will not be exempt from the intraoperative photo requirement. Board‐selected cases will be available in July 2025.


  • Start taking patient photographs on every case starting July 1st.
  • Have the Board’s patient consent for use of photographs and records signed starting July 1st.
  • In February or March - alert medical records that a notarized affidavit will be required after a review of your case list. (Affidavit prints as last page of case list(s) on clinical case log once finalized)
  • It is strongly recommended that candidates thoroughly review all requirements for case list compilation and case report preparation before beginning the case collection process.


  • One original case list plus the 2-3 page Statistical Summary Report, all properly assembled, with signed and notarized affidavits. See the Booklet of Information, Oral Examination section for assembly and submission requirements.
  • Credit Card Payment
  • One photocopy of all required advertising/marketing materials from the past 12 months from the deadline (i.e. April 2024 – April 2025). 
  • Verification of hospital privileges in plastic surgery from one medical staff office dated 2025 or including start and end privilege dates throughout the case collection and examination period. Hospital privileges must correspond to the start of clinical surgical practice with an expiration date of plastic surgery privileges listed. Verification from all hospitals will be required with the registration form.


After case lists are approved, the Registration Form with notification of selected cases will be available in July.

  • Registration Form with credit card payment
  • All medical licenses showing an expiration date valid at the time of the examination
  • All hospital appointment/reappointment letters verifying active inpatient admitting privileges in plastic surgery
  • Certificates or currently dated letters from accrediting organization documenting accreditation of ALL non-hospital surgical facilities (if applicable)
  • Letters of explanation for questions on the online Registration Form (if applicable)



Fee Schedule


For 2025 Oral Examination:

2024-2025 Booklet of Information - Oral Exam Section

2024-2025 Booklet of Information