Purposes of the Board

- To establish requirements for the qualifications of applicants who request a certificate of their ability in the field of plastic surgery in its broadest sense.
- To conduct examinations of approved candidates who seek certification by the Board.
- To issue certificates to those who meet the Board's requirements and pass the respective examinations.
- To do and engage in any and all lawful activities that may be incidental or reasonably related to any of the foregoing purposes.
- To encourage a culture of ethics within plastic surgery, beginning in residency training and extending throughout the professional career of all plastic surgeons
The Board is not an educational institution, and certificates issued by the Board are not to be considered degrees. The certificate does not confer on any person legal qualifications, privileges, or license to practice medicine or the specialty of plastic surgery.
Standards of certification are clearly distinct from those of licensure. Possession of a Board certificate does not indicate total qualification for practice privileges, nor does it imply exclusion of others not so certified. The Board does not purport in any way to interfere with or limit the professional activities of any licensed physician nor does it desire to interfere with practitioners of medicine or any of their regular or legitimate activities.
It is not the intent nor has it been the function of the Board to define requirements for membership on the staff of hospitals, or to define who shall or shall not perform plastic surgery procedures. The Board is not a primary source of censure or primary review of ethical problems.