Is your Surgeon Certified?
To verify if your physician is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, please search using the fields below. You may search by name, state or zip code. The on-line system will confirm the physician’s name, certification dates and location. In addition, a status will be reported if the physician is retired, deceased or if certification is revoked. If you have any questions you may contact the Board Office at 215-587-9322 or
To verify the status of your physician’s state medical license, please visit the Federation of State Medical Boards website at You will find a directory of state medical boards under the “public services” link on the home page.
This on-line verification function contains data from the ABPS database maintained by the ABPS staff at its offices in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Diplomates certified 1995 and after – have “time-limited” certification. Certificates are valid for ten years. Participation in the Maintenance of Certification Program is mandatory to renew certification - reported here as "recertified."
- Diplomates certified prior to 1995 – have “lifetime” certification. Certificates are valid indefinitely. Participation in the Maintenance of Certification Program is voluntary - reported here as "recertified."
For more information on the Maintenance of Certification Program requirements, please click on the Booklet of Information link on the Board's home page menu. The MOC-PS Program Booklet of Information outlines the requirements in detail.
Are you unable to locate your surgeon?
If your surgeon is not found through the ABPS Consumer Look-up function, you may search the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) website at to confirm if he/she is certified by another specialty board. The American Board of Medical Specialties assists 24 approved medical specialty boards in the development and use of standards in the ongoing evaluation and certification of physicians. ABMS is recognized as the "gold standard" in physician certification. Please note certification is a voluntary credential.