Online Tutorial
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Marking questions for later review

Your score is determined by the total number of questions you answer correctly. Therefore, it is to your advantage to answer every question. Although you can leave a question unanswered, it is always best to make an educated guess rather than leaving it incomplete. If you are unsure of your answer, you can mark the question for later review if time permits. Marking for review is simply a tool to allow you to organize your review of questions if you have time for review at the end of each exam section.

To mark a question
Click the Mark button.

To unmark a question
Click the Marked button.
This button will only appear for questions currently marked for review.

If you wish, you can unmark each question when you are satisfied with your answer choice. If you forget to unmark the question, it's OKAY. The scoring process does not differentiate between marked and unmarked questions.

Marked and Incomplete questions will be highlighted on the Review screen by clicking the Review button, described in more detail later in the tutorial.

Click on the Next button to continue.