Online Tutorial
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Time Remaining in this section:

Welcome to the tutorial

This tutorial provides a series of screens that orients you to the computer testing environment and gives you an opportunity to try each feature before using it with questions that will be scored. You will also be instructed as to how to use the computer mouse and the different parts of the screen.

The time allotted for the tutorial is 15 minutes. Notice the Time Remaining section in the upper right corner of this screen. A similar display will appear during the actual examination. In the upper left corner is shown the question number of the item you are currently answering (or in this case, the screen number of the tutorial). Other screen features are described later in the tutorial.

You may skip this tutorial by clicking the End Tutorial button in the blue panel to the left. If you choose to skip the tutorial and sample practice exam, you will be taken directly to the first question of your examination and your examination timer will begin.

Click on the Next button to continue.